Dog Bite and Animal Injuries

Dog bites can cause disfigurement, nerve damage, and infections if not properly treated. And, when children are involved, the psychological effects of being attacked by a dog can be long lasting. With extensive experience and resources, the Moher Law Group has the ability and knowledge necessary to help individuals recover substantial damages due to dog bites. Of course, there’s no way of attaching a dollar amount to losing one’s sense of safety and confidence after the trauma of being attacked by a dog. That’s why our attorneys consult with medical experts, psychiatrists, and animal trainers to establish dog owner liability and the scope of injuries suffered by our clients.

Building and Protecting Your Dog Bite Injury Case

If you, your child, or someone you know has been bitten by a dog, it’s important that you contact us right away to discuss your case. While people often have up to two years after an attack to pursue legal action, it is important to preserve evidence and document injuries for insurance companies and the court. Taking some of the following steps can help ensure the strength of your case:

  • Determine if dog has bitten others
  • Take pictures of your injuries immediately
  • Keep copies of medical reports and medical bills
  • Take pictures of enclosure or property where dog is kept
  • Continue to take pictures of bites as the wounds begin to heal

We Are Prepared to Fight for You

Settling dog bite claims can often be difficult – particularly when insurance companies refuse to cover the total cost of your injuries. As a civil litigation attorney with extensive experience, I know how to handle insurance companies and don’t get fooled by their tactics. We are prepared to front the costs associated with a thorough investigation and engaging expert witnesses, to obtain a maximum settlement for your case.

Demand justice and accountability from dog owners – contact the Moher Law Group. We represent clients throughout California. Our fees are charged as a percentage of any recovery awarded to our clients – we are fully invested in your success.

Other Animal Injuries

At the Moher Law Group, we handle many diverse cases and provide free consultations for any situation involving animal-caused injuries, including exotic animals. Please contact us today for a free consultation.